04 December 2011

A Weekend Just for Christmas

On the weeks leading up to Christmas, we usually try to find something Christmassy to do each weekend. Since James admitted to me just recently that he actually hates going on the Marietta Tour of Homes, that was out, unless I wanted to go alone. Then I looked at the weather report and it was supposed to be sunny and going up to the mid-60s. The last thing I wanted to be doing on a Saturday was walking around when it was warm and with the sun in my eyes.

The one thing James wanted after last weekend's early rising to get Tintin ornaments was to sleep late. So that's what we did Saturday morning...we haven't gotten up that late in years. We also went to Sam's Club to look for Breathe Right strips (the clear ones). Costco has stopped carrying them, instead only having the Extra and Advanced. James uses the regular clear ones to augment the C-PAP machine. I can use the Advanced ones, but the Extra ones will tear the skin off my nose. Well, we ran into a very effusive lady also looking for the same thing, for the same reason. I felt bad for the Sam's clerk she accosted, because he really has no control over what they order.

Also made a stop at the hobby shop.

When we got home I finished putting up the library tree. Noticed that not only do I have three bulbs out on the string of lights, but the tree isn't doing well itself; some of the branches are breaking. Looks like I will have to look for another next year, perhaps a pre-lit one.

For the evening we went to Ragamuffin Music Hall for "Christmas With Ashley Harris and Friends," which included Ashley's husband, and their son and daughter were in the audience; her daughter participated in one of the songs by reading a passage from the Bible during "I Need a Silent Night." This was a nice mixture of secular and sacred, although James expressed a desire for some "more peppy" selections. Danica Alexander also performed three selections (she apologized "I seem to pick downer Christmas music"): "Where Are You Christmas?" "My Grown-Up Christmas List" and finally "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree." They had some giveaways in a "Name That Tune" format, and I won Ashley's Christmas CD by correctly identifying "Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella." At the end of the concert we had a carol sing, which was lovely.

Up late having a nice chat with Jen and Emma, and then back up at 9:30 this morning. We didn't go grocery shopping until 11:30, then came home, where I finished cleaning up the library and put all the boxes away, while James decorated the airplane tree. The little clear acrylic airplanes we got at Bronner's look very pretty under the white lights of the silver tree.

Had round steak and ramen noodles liberally sprinkled with vegetable flakes for supper and then have pretty much been...well, flaking!

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